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    This view presents data selected from the geochemical mapping of North Greenland that are relevant for an evaluation of the potential for zinc mineralisation: CaO, K2O, Ba, Cu, Sr, Zn. The data represent the most reliable analytical values from 2469 stream sediment and 204 soil samples collected and analysed over a period from 1978 to 1999 plus a large number of reanalyses in 2011. The compiled data have been quality controlled and calibrated to eliminate bias between methods and time of analysis as described in Thrane et al., 2011. In the present dataset, all values below lower detection limit are indicated by the digit 0. Sampling The regional geochemical surveys undertaken in North Greenland follows the procedure for stream sediment sampling given in Steenfelt, 1999. Thrane et al., 2011 give more information on sampling campaigns in the area. The sample consists of 500 g sediment collected into paper bags from stream bed and banks, alternatively soil from areas devoid of streams. The sampling density is not consistent throughout the covered area and varies from regular with 1 sample per 30 to 50 km2 to scarce and irregular in other areas. Analyses were made on screened < 0.1 mm or <0.075 mm grain size fractions.

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    The digital terrain model of Greenland is constructed on the basis of GEUS's topographic data set from the official geological maps of Greenland in scale ratios 1:100 000 and 1:500 000. The data base is primarily supported by contour lines, coastlines and support points. The terrain model is assembled as a mosaic in sub-areas based on the map sheet frames from the geological map of Greenland in 1:500 000. The terrain model is made in the coordinate system WGS 1984 Complex UTM Zone 24N with the dimensions in a 100 x 100 m grid. Based on the digital terrain model, a shadow map of the terrain has been constructed.

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    The Raw stream sediment samples dataset is data as they have been delivered from the laboratories, i.e. values below detection limit often spelled as negative but zero may also apply. The data are not controlled by a geologist. In addition, they may not have been reported.

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    Intrusions and magmatic complexes are central, when it comes to an assessment of the economic geological potential of a region. There are many of these in Greenland, and only a few of them have been examined in detail for their economic potential. In Nielsen (2002), tertiary intrusions and complexes in East Greenland were described, and later on information on intrusions and magmatic complexes in all of Greenland, were modelled based on the same methodology. The information has been compiled by GEUS geologists.

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    A summary geological description of 18 areas on Greenland containing mineral occurrences is provided with references. The information was provided by the Mining and Mineral Resources Authority of Greenland and represents the main geological features with respect to the formation of occurrences.

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    The dataset contains rock sample geochemistry collected from 1957 to 2007 in south to central west Greenland analyzed with different methods that have been published in 3 reports.

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    Zircon age data as gathered from literature and GEUS samples

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    All active exploitation licences. The data are converted from the WFS that th ministery of mineral resources (MMR) in Greenland provides. Links are provided in the online resources

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    The National well database (Jupiter) among other things contains water level measurements from Danish wells. The database contains water level measurements from the municipalities, the groundwater-monitoring program, the regions soil pollution investigations and from the establishment of new wells. The database is updated on an ongoing basis.

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    A new inventory on onshore petroleum seeps and stains in Greenland. this new inventory has been developed to facilitate new activities. The classification includes the following features: (1) Oil seeps, (2) Gas seeps, (3) Mud diapirs, pingos and gas-rich springs, (4) Oil stains in volcanics, carbonates and sandstones, (5) Solid macroscopic bitumen, and (6) Fluids inclusions and other evidence of micro-seepage. The inventory comprises detailed information on localities, coordinates, and sample numbers together with description of features and geology including references to data, reports and publications. All information is summarized in either a mineralization or petroleum systems context. Petroleum seeps and stains have been reported from most Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic basins in Greenland where they add important information on petroleum systems, especially distribution and facies variation of source rocks, petroleum generation and later migration, accumulation, and degradation. The inventory is designed to be updated with additional localities and descriptions, and new organic geochemical data.