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    Protected areas in Greenland. The data are converted from the WFS that the ministery of mineral resources (MMR) in Greenland provides. Links are provided in the online resources.

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    Ujarassiorit is a mineral hunt competition open to residents of Greenland. Participants can submit rock samples from Greenland to the Ministry of Minerals Ressources (MMR) for evaluation and may be selected for a prize.

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    The place names data set is from the book 'Northern East Greenland's research history and place names' by A.K. Higgins, which GEUS published in 2010, with associated maps which have now been converted to web GIS format. Via free text search, you can find the place names with their explanations and their location on the map.

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    The map is based on selected seismic data up to 2001. The map shows the structural conditions at depth for the 'Top Kalk' surface, from the central to the eastern part of the Danish North Sea. 'Top Kalk' denotes the surface which forms the basis of the Tertiary deposits (except Denmark). The map is described in GEUS Bulletin No. 13. 2007.

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    The dataset contains outlines of geological maps of Greenland printed and published by GGU and GEUS since 1957 at various scales. The dataset contains links to the GEUS Dataverse where each map has been assigned a DOI and can be downloaded in a resolution of 400dpi TIFF-images or pdf.

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    The digital terrain model of Greenland is constructed on the basis of GEUS's topographic data set from the official geological maps of Greenland in scale ratios 1:100 000 and 1:500 000. The data base is primarily supported by contour lines, coastlines and support points. The terrain model is assembled as a mosaic in sub-areas based on the map sheet frames from the geological map of Greenland in 1:500 000. The terrain model is made in the coordinate system WGS 1984 Complex UTM Zone 24N with the dimensions in a 100 x 100 m grid. Based on the digital terrain model, a shadow map of the terrain has been constructed.

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    Dataset containing standard polygons for regions of Greenland and specific hand-drawn polygons representing the areas where the study was conducted that is described in the publication. Data can be filtered for publication title, authors, year of publication and the list of attributes contains other reference information including a link to the publication. The publications include GEUS Bulletin (2020 - ), Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin (2004 - 2019), Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin (1997 - 2002), Bulletin Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse (1948 – 1996) , Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport, Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse (1964 – 1996), Open File Series Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, Mima rapport, Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Geological Map Descriptions and Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Map Series.

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    The MARTA database contains shallow seismic and acoustic data, information and geological samples. MATRA shows the distribution of marine sand and gravel resources and gives access to reports on raw material surveys. MARTA shows the distribution of marine sand and gravel resources and gives access to reports on raw material surveys. Data has primarily been acquired by GEUS and our partners., MARTA is the official Danish marine raw material database for data reported in accordance with the Danish Raw Material Act. MARTA is used by the raw materials industry and authorities and as a planning tool in connection with raw material extraction and marine construction projects including beach nourishment. The database is updated on an ongoing basis.

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    The dataset contains the General Batymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) based on GEBCO_2019 Grid from 2019. The dataset has been projected to WGS 84 / IBCAO Polar Stereographic projection (EPSG:3996) and extends down to 50° latitude. The complete data set provides global coverage, spanning 89° 59' 52.5''N, 179° 59' 52.5''W to 89°: 59' 52.5''S, 179° 59' 52.5''E on a 15 arc-second grid. It consists of 43200 rows x 86400 columns, giving 3,732,480,000 data points. The data values are pixel-centre registered i.e. they refer to elevations at the centre of grid cells. The GEBCO_2019 Grid is a continuous, global terrain model for ocean and land with a spatial resolution of 15 arc seconds. The grid uses as a ‘base’ Version 1 of the SRTM15+ data set (Olson et al, 2014). This data set is a fusion of land topography with measured and estimated seafloor topography. It is largely based on version 11 of SRTM30+ (Becker et al, 2009; Sandwell et al, 2014), augmented with the gridded bathymetric data sets developed by the four Seabed 2030 Regional Centers. The published data were recalculated on a cell-registered grid for use by GEBCO. The GEBCO_2019 Grid includes data sets from a number of international and national data repositories and regional mapping initiatives.

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    A new inventory on onshore petroleum seeps and stains in Greenland. this new inventory has been developed to facilitate new activities. The classification includes the following features: (1) Oil seeps, (2) Gas seeps, (3) Mud diapirs, pingos and gas-rich springs, (4) Oil stains in volcanics, carbonates and sandstones, (5) Solid macroscopic bitumen, and (6) Fluids inclusions and other evidence of micro-seepage. The inventory comprises detailed information on localities, coordinates, and sample numbers together with description of features and geology including references to data, reports and publications. All information is summarized in either a mineralization or petroleum systems context. Petroleum seeps and stains have been reported from most Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic basins in Greenland where they add important information on petroleum systems, especially distribution and facies variation of source rocks, petroleum generation and later migration, accumulation, and degradation. The inventory is designed to be updated with additional localities and descriptions, and new organic geochemical data.