Geophysical Survey: Gron-95 MT survey

Survey name Magnetotelluric survey from the Nuussuaq Peninsula, 1995, central West Greenland
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Platform Ground
Acquisition Period Between Jul 12, 1995 and Jul 30, 1995
Spatial reference Projection: only in Longitude/Latitude, Datum: WGS84, UTC offset:

Survey Methods

Equipment Zephyr realtime 16 channel magnetotelluric system
Description Cascade Decimation sampling scheme operating at a constant 12 Hz were sampled down to 6 Hz. Three tensor stations: one recording Hx, Hy, Ex and Ey and the other two in addition Hz. For all locations at least one other station is used as remote reference (max. dist of 5 km)

Survey Reports

Final report Christopherson, K. R.; Tai, P. Ng.: Gron-95 survey MT data interpretation report. Report file No 23830
Processing report Zephyr Geophysical Services Inc.: Greenland Magnetotelluric Survey, July 1995, Volume 1.. Report file No 23831

Survey Blocks

  • Magnetotelluric
Line spacing 2-D pattern of stations
Ground Clearance:
   Nominel 0 m